Thursday, September 10, 2015

Rainbow Dish

- Salmon Steak
- Eggs
- Mushroom
- Purple Sweet Potato
- Carrot
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Blueberries
- Avocado Puree

Prepare the Ingredient:
1. Cut carrot and sweet potatoes into slices and cook in boiling water till they are soften.
2. Beat up eggs and add butter

How to cook:
1. Pan fry salmon steak in oil until cooked
2. Add in beaten eggs to cook and make scramble eggs
3. Add in garlic to garnish, add in mushroom to stir fry follow by adding butter to stir fry

Stir Fried Oyster Sauce Prawn in Mee Kia

- Tiger Prawns
- Mee Kia
- Vege

Prepare the Ingredient:
1. Peel shell off prawns and marinate in oyster sauce, dark soya sauce, sesame oil, pepper
2. Wash and cut vege

How To Cook:
1. Cook Mee Kia in Boiling Water, together with Vege, add some olive oil to the cooked noodle
2. Heat up oil in wok, add in chopped garlic, add in marinated prawn to stir fry until cooked
3. Pour the rest of the seasoning in and continue to stir fry
4. Add some water to create more gravy
5. Pour the dish over the mee kia