Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stir Fried Bean Sprout

Bean Sprout
Fish Cake (sliced)
Salted Fish (Optional)

How to cook:
1. Stir fry garlic
2. Add in sliced fish cake
3. Add in bean sprout to stir fry
4. Add some soya sauce

Potato Carrot Soup

Pork Ribs

Prepare the ingredient:
1. Cut Potatoes into cubes
2. Cut Carrot into smaller slices

How to cook:
1. Boil water
2. Put in pork ribs
3. Bring to medium flame
4. Put in 2 onions
5. After half hour put in carrots
6. After 15 mins put in potatoes
7. Continue to cook for a total of 1.5 hours
8. Add some soya sauce and salt

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fried Capsicum with Red Pepper and Mushroom

Green Pepper
Red Pepper
Prawn/ pork

Prepare the ingredient:
1. Cut carrot into small slices
2. Cut all ingredients into smaller portions

How to cook:
1. Stir Fry garlic
2. Add in carrots to fry
3. Add in prawns to fry
4. Add rest of the vegetables in to fry
5. Add soya sauce and some pepper

Version 2

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Braised Chicken Wings

Chicken wings

How to cook:
1. Marinate chicken wings with sugar, oyster sauce, hua tiao wine, dark soya sauce for half hour
2. Stir fry mixture in pan until chicken wings are cooked
3. Add water to cook over small flame for 30 mins

Tomato Gravy Fish


How to cook:
1. Stir fry cut onions
2. Add chilli + tomato sauce
3. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar
4. Add corn starch solution
5. Add fish and tomato in the mixture to cook for 5 mins/ Pour gravy over fried fish

Fried Potato Cubes with Pork


Prepare the ingredient:
1. Cut pork into slices
2. Cut potato into cubes

How to cook:
1. Fry potato cube till golden brown, put aside
2. Stir fry garlic
3. Stir fry pork
4. Add in potato cubes
5. Add soya sauce, pepper then follow by corn starch solution

Fried Minced Port with Pickles

Minced Pork
Canned Pickles

How to cook:
1. Stir fry garlic
2. Stir fry pork
3. Add dark soya sauce
4. Add pickles
5. Stir fry awhile before adding corn starch solution

Xian Fan

Dried Shrimplets
Cabbage (or Pumpkin)
Roasted Pork
Chinese Sausage

Prepare the ingredient:
1. Soak mushroom in water
2. Soak Dried Shrimplets in water to soften
3. Cut mushroom, roasted pork, chinese sausage, cabbage into small pieces/ slices

How to cook:
1. Fry minced garlic, then add in dried shrimplets and mushroom to fry
2. Next, fry cabbage
3. When cabbage is almost cook, add in uncooked rice
4. Add soya sauce and pepper and continue stir frying
5. Add in roasted pork and chinese sausage
6. Stir fry the mixture and add in mushroom water
7. Put in rice cooker to cook

Pumpkin Rice

Fried Bee Hoon

Bee Hoon
Cabbage (choose round instead of oval)
Peeled Prawn
Fish Cake
Canned Pork Leg*

*Optional, can be avoided for a healthier meal

Prepare the ingredient:
1. Cut cabbage and carrot into fine shreds
2. Cut fish cake into thin slides
3. Soak Bee Hoon in water to soften, use a scissor to cut into smaller length
4. Peel shells off prawns
5. Beat up eggs

How to cook:
1. Fry egg in pan/ work, cut into thin slides, put aside
2. Fry minced garlic, follow by peeled prawns
3. Add in cabbage, carrot, fish cake to stir fry
4. Add in canned pork legs
5. Add in bee Hoon, mix and continue to fry
6. Spread sliced fried eggs on top of bee hoon dish
7. Add some fried onion slices on top